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About us

We have ventured into a very strict field, where trust and precision are indispensable. The enormous responsibility associated with job security can be discouraging at first, but it motivated us more than the comfortable alternative of a less demanding field.

We were determined to self-discipline, to value our work and that of our clients, to test our limits without compromising our professionalism. I took a risk, but not without safety measures.

Since 2002, Nordex has been active on the workplace protection equipment market. We collaborate with established manufacturers at an international level and provide specialized services, necessary for the verification and maintenance of products. Through our sales agents, we are present in all the county seat cities in Romania.

Work security is more than a determining factor of the functionality of a business - we know that it protects, above all, the health and life of employees!

We are dedicated to the constant improvement of the products sold, following the innovations in the field, and we encourage a healthy ratio between quality and price.

Nordex has proven, through 10 years of experience and through collaboration with over 400 clients, that it can guarantee the vital percentage of reliability that completes the portrait of a successful company.